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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

beyonce knowles as a child

beyonce knowles as a child. Beyoncé Knowles
  • Beyoncé Knowles

  • ap3604
    May 5, 02:11 PM
    It's up to you...

    beyonce knowles as a child. Beyonce Knowles
  • Beyonce Knowles

  • Nicolasdec
    Apr 3, 05:34 AM
    Yeah, almost as much as a PS3!

    And no HD-DVD or WIFI.:confused:

    beyonce knowles as a child. eyonce knowles
  • eyonce knowles

  • TMA
    Nov 4, 06:13 PM
    I've got the iWalk videos if anyone wants them or wants to host them.

    Also just added the leaked Quicksilver pictures, if anyone has any more information on where they came from feel free to edit the page.

    I'd really like to see the fake image of the first PowerMac G5. Does anyone remember that one? it looked like it had been cut out of a newspaper and appeared to be a monstrous metallic mesh thing. It wasn't too far off.

    beyonce knowles as a child. Beyonce Knowles. Rate It:
  • Beyonce Knowles. Rate It:

  • Chupa Chupa
    May 6, 06:54 AM
    The key question here is why kind of s/w will you need for your physics classes. If you are not doing anything too graphics intense then you can get by with integrated graphics.

    If that is the case then I'd go w/ a low end 13" MBP. It's a 1lb lighter than the 15" and also the smaller footprint is going to make it easier on you when using a small classroom desk or workspace area.

    I'd removed the hard drive -- put it in a separate ext. enclosure, and put in a 128GB SSD. They are fairly affordable now -- about $200-250. That will make the MBP a tad lighter, but more importantly, SSDs are more durable. Keep essential info on the SSD, and non-essential stuff (docs, etc. you don't usually need/want) on the ext. drive. Bump up the RAM to 8GB. RAM is cheap if you upgrade yourself.

    Another option is to wait a month or two until Apple refreshes the MBAs to i3s -- though I think you'll do better with an i5 or i7 MPB. But 4.5 lbs can get to be a burden schelping around all day. Truly tough, personal choice.

    Next question - do you have to spend the entire $2500? I'm asking b/c if not I'd put half of it in a 2 year CD (not that CDs are making a bunch of interest these days, but because you won't be tempted to spend it prematurely) and use it for a mid-college career upgrade.

    As you advance in your major your hardware demands will probably increase. So your Jr. year would be the ideal time to sell the computer you bought freshman year and upgrade. Use the proceeds from the sale + the CD to buy the new machine. Using a 4 y.o. machine sr. year in a high science major will be miserable.


    beyonce knowles as a child. Beyonce Knowles. 40 of 52
  • Beyonce Knowles. 40 of 52

  • Reach9
    Mar 21, 12:11 AM
    Hey guys,

    First of all, great website!

    I was wondering if we could get an iOS forum as well, since there's one for Mac OS X, and none specifically for iOS (unless i'm blind). It seems that a lot of people are talking about iOS updates in the iPhone or iPad or iPod Touch forums.

    What do you guys think?

    beyonce knowles as a child. Beyonce Knowles and Destinys
  • Beyonce Knowles and Destinys

  • will0407
    Apr 30, 03:13 AM
    As the title suggests, can you confirm if this is a dead pixel (just above the cursor). Never had one before, so just wanted to confirm. I've used a pixel tester and it stays black whatever background colour is used.

    What's the likelihood apple will replace my machine? (11" ultimate). I've taken as good a care as is possible with it. (speck see thru case, moshi palm guard, la.robe for transport, coolbook)



    beyonce knowles as a child. Beyonce Knowles On Sasha
  • Beyonce Knowles On Sasha

  • jaseone
    Nov 7, 09:51 PM
    Looks like Apache is serving the whole file but either your ISP or your connection to your ISP is preventing you from serving anything greater than 45kb, who is your ISP?

    beyonce knowles as a child. Beyonce Knowles #39;would make a
  • Beyonce Knowles #39;would make a

  • jondob
    May 4, 09:51 PM
    I just went to put another cd in and it wont take the cd at all.... It seems to reset itself when I restart though, but then only works once before it stops working...

    Is there anything I can do here?


    beyonce knowles as a child. Did pop diva Beyonce Knowles
  • Did pop diva Beyonce Knowles

  • level1kid
    Apr 11, 11:46 PM
    added lens flare and text visibility (lol)

    didn't try very hard while selecting...

    beyonce knowles as a child. Beyonce Pregnant for Real
  • Beyonce Pregnant for Real

  • Chone
    Mar 27, 09:00 PM
    Doesn�t this thread belong to 2000 or something?

    10GB iPods? N64 expansion paks? Heh, doesn�t look like a new post thats for sure.

    As for your question it improves the image quality somewhat but some games (like Majora�s Mask) require it so its not a bad purchase... as for getting one, try ebay...


    beyonce knowles as a child. eyonce knowles latest Hot
  • eyonce knowles latest Hot

  • balamw
    Apr 24, 02:13 PM
    Did you try googling the obvious: palindrome python program

    One of the top 10 hits is this:

    For sammysam52, the OP in that thread posted code and solved their own problem with a gentle nudge.

    What is your approach?


    beyonce knowles as a child. child? Beyonce Knowles
  • child? Beyonce Knowles

  • Sun Baked
    Dec 29, 03:47 PM
    If you donate directly to the organizations involved (Red Cross etc) I can't imagine they'll be taking a cut...can they??Nope, which is why a lot of people are now telling you to make a trip to the charity in question, and donate directly, instead of donating to somebody collecting money for a charity.


    beyonce knowles as a child. Beyonce Knowles belongs to
  • Beyonce Knowles belongs to

  • ender land
    Apr 20, 01:00 AM
    I use my 13" mbp for everything.

    I have a custom docking station setup at home (23" monitor, keyboard/mouse/speakers) and several I can use at work (as a research assistant).

    If I did do multiple computers I would *have* to use something like dropbox to sync files. I think it is easier now than ever to do multiple computers, but I have so many custom settings and know where things are, etc, that it would be difficult to justify having two machines.

    I could see myself getting an iMac to play with, realizing I don't need it, and returning it (or my mbp, probably the iMac). if I had a more permanent office I would probably want a desktop computer to use there however.

    Also, while the 13" screen size is not the best, I've found that for 90%+ of the things I do it is sufficient. Actually the only thing which bothers me about it is google calendar, I have to do full screen to get a full days schedule to be nicely viewable because of how gcal resizes its frames.

    beyonce knowles as a child. callingbeyonce knowles
  • callingbeyonce knowles

  • xxBURT0Nxx
    May 5, 05:53 PM
    Hi all,

    Just curious to see how many have a apple laptop and and Ipad. Work just bought me a MBP last week and I already have a Ipad 2. Just trying to justify the two, maybe I sell the ipad 2 because I have to keep the laptop. By the way, I love both of them...I use the Ipad 2 for reading books, magazines etc...

    Thanks for the comments or thoughts...

    well i have a 15" pro... had an ipad 1, then got the ipad 2. I honestly wasn't using it that much... between having an iphone and a mbp, it just never saw that much use so i gave it to my grandma.

    Now i'm considering trading in my mbp and getting a new imac and a macbook air... love the small size and portability and i honestly don't need that much power on the road so i'm thinking the mba will be awesome as a portable and have the power of the imac at home!

    Hope that gives you some insight, but remember everyone has different needs!


    beyonce knowles as a child. Beyonce Knowles- If I were a
  • Beyonce Knowles- If I were a

  • dukebound85
    Dec 29, 01:10 AM
    i will say the kinect is pretty awesome though lol

    surely you can buy one via online however right?

    beyonce knowles as a child. and Beyonce Knowles
  • and Beyonce Knowles

  • wesk702
    Oct 29, 10:01 AM
    That was fast. Now I can update :D


    beyonce knowles as a child. Grammy-winning singer Beyonce
  • Grammy-winning singer Beyonce

  • windowsblowsass
    Jun 11, 11:18 AM
    I don't like Spymacs' forums but I love their picture gallery!

    Love looking at those hot sexy ............. setups of computers :rolleyes:
    when your the ceo of ceader point can i get free tickets? please :D

    beyonce knowles as a child. Beyonce Knowles Pics
  • Beyonce Knowles Pics

  • yg17
    Sep 17, 04:15 PM
    I got some Mushkin off of NewEgg for my PMG5. Works great.

    beyonce knowles as a child. Beyonce Knowles Pictures
  • Beyonce Knowles Pictures

  • brn2ski00
    Jun 19, 03:56 PM
    Nano Tubes, iPhone Buds and Purple iPod Sock SOLD to Kuebby!

    Jul 5, 11:33 PM
    I had to partition my old Blueberry iMac once when I upgraded the hard drive . . .

    I went from a 6 GB to a 40 GB hard drive in January of 2002 (at that time it cost me about $120!). When I popped it into my iMac, I was required to partition the drives, because there was an 8 GB capacity. I ended up with four 8 GB drives and the one around 5 GB. It was horrible. I separated my drives into OS X, OS 9, Games, Virtual PC, and Digital Video.

    So, I would also recommend not to partition. It really doesn't have much of purpose anymore.

    Austin M.
    Apr 24, 12:26 AM
    I can assure you, at $70, the A Jays Fours are no where near "higher end".

    My default set of IEMs is the Klipsch x10i. I have yet to find anything as punchy and detailed and simultaneously comfortable. They put the A Jays Fours to shame.

    They CANNOT be compared. Two totally different IEM's. Two totally different prices.

    May 27, 05:22 PM
    That's one thing I really hate about apple. Once a new revision comes out, if you have a problem with the previous generation product you may as well forget about it ever getting fixed.

    There are an awful lot of examples that would say otherwise.

    For a start I would mention the hard drive replacement program for the white MacBooks which are 3/4 years old. Then there was the update to fix the audio issue with the 2009 Mac Pro's.

    Would you care to give examples of these problems which have been ignored?

    Doctor Q
    Nov 3, 03:27 AM
    Now that we've upgraded the forum software (see announcement), users can create personal albums with photos or other images.


    Each user's photos are organized into albums. Each album has a name. Each photo has a title and can have comments from other users.

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    There is a main album page (http://forums.macrumors.com/album.php) (Choose Pictures & Albums in the Community menu) that shows a selection of albums.

    Creating albums and photos

    The steps are straightforward. To add an album, go to the main album page and click Add Album or go to your own profile page and click Add Album or Show All Albums (on the right-hand side of the page).

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    Once you are looking at an album, click Upload Pictures. It works like the Attachments feature for forum posts.

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    One photo in each album is designated the "album cover", the photo that appears in your album display. Choose it when you add a photo or click the "This is the album cover" button when editing the photo's page later.

    When you are in the edit view of one of your photos, you'll see Picture URL and BB Code boxes. You can copy the text and paste it into forum posts to put a link to your photo, or the photo itself, in your post.

    The "Me" album: photos of you!

    We've established a convention that will make it fun for users to find photos of other forum users.

    If you would like to post photos of yourself, create an album with the name "Me" -- make sure it has exactly that album name -- and use it to post one or more photos of yourself, alone or with other people.

    You can still post photos of yourself in forum posts, in other albums, or use your own photo as your avatar or profile picture. Having a "Me" album is completely optional and voluntary. However, please do not post photos in an album named "Me" unless you are in those photos, since that would be misleading. We know that anybody can pretend to look like anyone else at a forum site, but we ask that you follow the guideline if you choose to create a "Me" photo album. Thanks!

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    The photo album feature is new. If there are bugs, glitches, or problems with these features, please let us know and be patient while we try to smooth things out.

    Your comments and suggestions about the album feature are welcome.

    Apr 24, 10:12 AM
    Hi there,

    I am trying to transfer my mum and dads VHSC tapes to my mac to then edit and burn onto dvd. I have the camcorder still however the only outputs in the camera are edit, audio (white), RF DC OUT, and Video (yellow). I do also have the video adapter where you put the VHSC tapes into and play it in a VHS player. However the tv/video combo I have only has one scart and aerial output and is the vhs player I have. I do also have a mini DV camcorder with the DV output to firewire cable. Is there anyway I can hook any of these devices with another tv or straight to laptop without spending anymore money please, as I am a student and cant avoid anymore equipment. Any help and guidance appreciated, if you need anymore info please let me know.

    Amy :)

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