Mar 12, 11:20 PM
the dvuser webiste doesn't seem to havea computer section to talk about gear. am i missing seomthing?

Full of Win
Apr 25, 01:32 AM
Once you go white, you never go back.
Your rhyme needs work. How about...
Once you go white, you are delivered from benight.
Your rhyme needs work. How about...
Once you go white, you are delivered from benight.

Apr 27, 04:36 PM
We’re an engineering-driven company. When people accuse us of things, the first thing we want to do is find out the truth. That took a certain amount of time to track all of these things down. And the accusations were coming day by day. By the time we had figured this all out, it took a few days.
As someone who has to track down things like this constantly, I'm pretty unimpressed at the (lack of) speed of their code checking. This was not an obscure bug or complicated. It was just a too-large buffer definition and an execution path that always downloaded info.
And people think Apple can check binary app store submissions for bugs or trojans in just a few minutes, when they can't even find their own bugs in a few days with commented source code.
Then writing it up and trying to make it intelligible when this is a very high-tech topic took a few days.
Again unimpressed. There've been accurate explanations posted here before Apple spoke up, that took just minutes to compose.
And here we are less than a week later.
Although I've defended Apple over and over again on this topic, this just smacks of hoping it would blow over.
The right thing to do would've been to immediately say a week ago, "we're looking into it".
As someone who has to track down things like this constantly, I'm pretty unimpressed at the (lack of) speed of their code checking. This was not an obscure bug or complicated. It was just a too-large buffer definition and an execution path that always downloaded info.
And people think Apple can check binary app store submissions for bugs or trojans in just a few minutes, when they can't even find their own bugs in a few days with commented source code.
Then writing it up and trying to make it intelligible when this is a very high-tech topic took a few days.
Again unimpressed. There've been accurate explanations posted here before Apple spoke up, that took just minutes to compose.
And here we are less than a week later.
Although I've defended Apple over and over again on this topic, this just smacks of hoping it would blow over.
The right thing to do would've been to immediately say a week ago, "we're looking into it".

Apr 5, 09:25 AM
Nice, sleek, good baseball team. Red Sox Nation!!!!

Dec 6, 09:09 AM
iStat menus if i were to hazard a guess.
negative, the software is sabnzb and I believe that's all I can talk about :)
negative, the software is sabnzb and I believe that's all I can talk about :)

Nov 18, 09:07 AM
Nope. It's all or nothing.

Apr 7, 03:40 PM
Hey, Apple!!!
Can you PLEASE include separate email signatures for separate email boxes?!?!?
Might want to check the signature app in the store. I've had it for over a year, you can choose up to 6 signatures. Use to be called signature pro, but my app says just Signature.
Can you PLEASE include separate email signatures for separate email boxes?!?!?
Might want to check the signature app in the store. I've had it for over a year, you can choose up to 6 signatures. Use to be called signature pro, but my app says just Signature.

Sep 10, 06:58 PM
Football season!!!

May 4, 05:31 PM
Torture is never justified under any circumstances and that includes sleep deprivation, ritual humiliation, or anything else that is euphemistically known as "Enhanced interrogation"
Fighting terrorists should be done no differently to fighting any other war (i.e. within the Geneva Convention).
How do we do that? They are a shadow organization bound by religious or political ideals with no true ties to any nation.
As a result there is no nation that we could go to war with or otherwise hold accountable for their actions.
Fighting terrorists should be done no differently to fighting any other war (i.e. within the Geneva Convention).
How do we do that? They are a shadow organization bound by religious or political ideals with no true ties to any nation.
As a result there is no nation that we could go to war with or otherwise hold accountable for their actions.

Apr 28, 07:11 AM
It would be really weird if Pegatron don't get a lot more information, and sooner, about Apple's product cycle than people reading tech blogs. The earlier released expected numbers were most likely already based on a new iPhone being released later this year.
Also, potential buyers of iPhones aren't scouring tech blogs for rumors about when the next iPhone will be launched. Nor do I see salespersons advice them to wait until September.
Also, potential buyers of iPhones aren't scouring tech blogs for rumors about when the next iPhone will be launched. Nor do I see salespersons advice them to wait until September.
Dec 27, 11:13 AM
What speaker are these? ...... does anyone know?
KRK RP6 Reference monitor.
What speaker are these? ...... does anyone know?
KRK RP6 Reference monitor.

Feb 3, 01:21 PM
How do you change the colour of the finder bar? and what other apps are running on the finder bar?
Hey. The finder bar can be changed by downloading the app CandyBar. They have a bunch of built in ones. Or, you can download DockDr for free and get some great ones too. Also, Im running my logitech keyboard profilier application, mail, twitter, chrome are the other ones running. :D
Hey. The finder bar can be changed by downloading the app CandyBar. They have a bunch of built in ones. Or, you can download DockDr for free and get some great ones too. Also, Im running my logitech keyboard profilier application, mail, twitter, chrome are the other ones running. :D

rick snagwell
May 4, 03:42 PM
I use Folder Enhancer to mess with the folders, but it does nothing for the icon...when not using the folder. it has that white border and grey bg.
how to i change the bg and border settings on the folder icon?
how to i change the bg and border settings on the folder icon?

Oct 11, 10:15 AM
I'm a medical student so I need my money in my pocket funding my studies! :p And in the UK my study is mostly funded by the government so people are paying for the good of society.
But of course, you do realise there's a difference between wanting everyone to get a fair deal and giving money away for free? You will get compensated for your work as a lawyer, you don't need my money. I just want to see that Atebits is compensated for his work as a dev.
My logic is that people should pay a fair amount for what they get, whereas in society today people only care about the monetary cheapness of things regardless of the wider cost. Cheap foods and electricity at the expensive of the environment, cheap clothes at the expensive of child labour etc.
Well you talk about fairness, I don't think its fair that your studies are funded by the government and mine are not, even though I will be working directly for the government in the very near future. And, its not fair to me that you may very well benefit directly from my work in several ways. For example, say you come to America for a holiday, and you are mugged. It would be my job to help get the guy responsible for your mugging and to be able to put you back to your position before you were mugged, at no cost to you because you are not an American citizen and don't pay taxes. So, I feel toat you owe me money because that would be fair. I know i'm making money as an attorney, but so is Loren on the many, many other projects he has going on for him. Its only fair that we are both compensated justly for everything we do, right? Just like you would want to be compensated by me if I came to your country and needed medical help, it would be nothing out of my pocket, and that doesn't seem fair to you personally doing something without just compensation.
My point is, each of us has our own lives to support, because really when it comes down to it, no one else is giving us a free ride...well except for you and thats not really fair. Well then to educate you, in America, no one gets a free ride. We're all for ourselves here, and then we have to pay taxes up the ass for the people on welfare who mooch off of the welfare system without really doing anything. No ones gonna help me with my law school loans even though the work I am doing will benefit many, many people. I will get a small government salary (criminal prosecutors do not make a lot of money at all, thats why so many attorneys try to go to private practices and big law firms, to make that 6 or 7 figure income). Does that seem fair? No.
Loren is gonna be ok, whether he had charged for Tweetie 2 or not. He has many other things going on, many other products, and he gets paid for those lectures he does. The guys who created youtube didn't charge people to access the videos hosted on their site for free, or charge people each time they updated their servers and software, yet they are rolling in the dough. In America, we thrive on customer satisfaction. I personally do not feel Loren did enough with Tweetie 1 in satisfying his customers before going ahead and charging full price for an "update." And his excuse that Apple didn't provide an upgrade path is a cop out. I read his tweet on the decision; he did it because he "had the balls to do it." He should at least go back to Tweetie 1 and upgrade that as much as possible until he can't anymore. He stated that he wanted to do things to Tweetie that were impossible to do without rewriting the app from scratch. Thats fine, but you can't leave your old customers out in the cold like he did. People paid for Tweetie 1 without knowing that Loren would be pulling this stunt off. Thats not fair to them, they deserve to be satisfied, they paid a fair amount and got ditched, bamboozled, baited and switched. If he wants to justify charging again, then he needs to go back to Tweetie 1 and fix it up as much as possible to satisfy everyone. THAT would be fair. I really hope he sees this too. Its not unprecedented; Microsoft kept XP updated because people didn't want to move to Vista, same with Office 2003 to 2007. Upgrading to Tweetie 2 means you lose out on themes, which were important to many people. Theres no push on Tweetie 2, so those with Tweetie 1 aren't missing out on too much. I think now that Loren has double the income (they haven't taken Tweetie 1 off the app store), he now has sufficient funds to keep Tweetie 1 alive with newer features and updates, until he can't go any farther with the Tweetie 1 code. No free rides for Loren if there are no free rides for the consumer. It means less time doing the university talks and interviews, and more time working for his money.
But of course, you do realise there's a difference between wanting everyone to get a fair deal and giving money away for free? You will get compensated for your work as a lawyer, you don't need my money. I just want to see that Atebits is compensated for his work as a dev.
My logic is that people should pay a fair amount for what they get, whereas in society today people only care about the monetary cheapness of things regardless of the wider cost. Cheap foods and electricity at the expensive of the environment, cheap clothes at the expensive of child labour etc.
Well you talk about fairness, I don't think its fair that your studies are funded by the government and mine are not, even though I will be working directly for the government in the very near future. And, its not fair to me that you may very well benefit directly from my work in several ways. For example, say you come to America for a holiday, and you are mugged. It would be my job to help get the guy responsible for your mugging and to be able to put you back to your position before you were mugged, at no cost to you because you are not an American citizen and don't pay taxes. So, I feel toat you owe me money because that would be fair. I know i'm making money as an attorney, but so is Loren on the many, many other projects he has going on for him. Its only fair that we are both compensated justly for everything we do, right? Just like you would want to be compensated by me if I came to your country and needed medical help, it would be nothing out of my pocket, and that doesn't seem fair to you personally doing something without just compensation.
My point is, each of us has our own lives to support, because really when it comes down to it, no one else is giving us a free ride...well except for you and thats not really fair. Well then to educate you, in America, no one gets a free ride. We're all for ourselves here, and then we have to pay taxes up the ass for the people on welfare who mooch off of the welfare system without really doing anything. No ones gonna help me with my law school loans even though the work I am doing will benefit many, many people. I will get a small government salary (criminal prosecutors do not make a lot of money at all, thats why so many attorneys try to go to private practices and big law firms, to make that 6 or 7 figure income). Does that seem fair? No.
Loren is gonna be ok, whether he had charged for Tweetie 2 or not. He has many other things going on, many other products, and he gets paid for those lectures he does. The guys who created youtube didn't charge people to access the videos hosted on their site for free, or charge people each time they updated their servers and software, yet they are rolling in the dough. In America, we thrive on customer satisfaction. I personally do not feel Loren did enough with Tweetie 1 in satisfying his customers before going ahead and charging full price for an "update." And his excuse that Apple didn't provide an upgrade path is a cop out. I read his tweet on the decision; he did it because he "had the balls to do it." He should at least go back to Tweetie 1 and upgrade that as much as possible until he can't anymore. He stated that he wanted to do things to Tweetie that were impossible to do without rewriting the app from scratch. Thats fine, but you can't leave your old customers out in the cold like he did. People paid for Tweetie 1 without knowing that Loren would be pulling this stunt off. Thats not fair to them, they deserve to be satisfied, they paid a fair amount and got ditched, bamboozled, baited and switched. If he wants to justify charging again, then he needs to go back to Tweetie 1 and fix it up as much as possible to satisfy everyone. THAT would be fair. I really hope he sees this too. Its not unprecedented; Microsoft kept XP updated because people didn't want to move to Vista, same with Office 2003 to 2007. Upgrading to Tweetie 2 means you lose out on themes, which were important to many people. Theres no push on Tweetie 2, so those with Tweetie 1 aren't missing out on too much. I think now that Loren has double the income (they haven't taken Tweetie 1 off the app store), he now has sufficient funds to keep Tweetie 1 alive with newer features and updates, until he can't go any farther with the Tweetie 1 code. No free rides for Loren if there are no free rides for the consumer. It means less time doing the university talks and interviews, and more time working for his money.

May 3, 05:16 AM
The irony of a forum with a very large gay and bisexual membership to ask for blood donations is beyond ridiculous.
Think this through, MacRumors, think this through.
Wat? Large number of gay and bisexual members? I wasn't aware of this.
There are other reasons you cannot give blood other than being gay. Being asthmatic and once addicted to illegal drugs are the reasons I cannot give. I'm sure other reasons exists such as other diseases or lifestyle choices.
Think this through, MacRumors, think this through.
Wat? Large number of gay and bisexual members? I wasn't aware of this.
There are other reasons you cannot give blood other than being gay. Being asthmatic and once addicted to illegal drugs are the reasons I cannot give. I'm sure other reasons exists such as other diseases or lifestyle choices.

Oct 6, 06:49 AM
No. It's fairly common sense stuff really to stick code in like class="title" instead of class="blue" to infer structure in a document, not the design.
I agree - especially about the class="blue" example. This will lead into problems as soon as the element should be given another colour in the future. However, the original post reads like "Hey, let's say this <element> is LARGE and let the browser decide what a LARGE <element> should look like, how large it should be, etc..."; and that's what I criticise.
csszengarden is also just ONE underlying document structure and not a terribly practical one either. It's there to showcase what can be done just with CSS, not how to design a practical semantically led page.
Guess the main problem is that they can't update the initial document structure afterwards - otherwise there would be problems with all the designs.
I agree - especially about the class="blue" example. This will lead into problems as soon as the element should be given another colour in the future. However, the original post reads like "Hey, let's say this <element> is LARGE and let the browser decide what a LARGE <element> should look like, how large it should be, etc..."; and that's what I criticise.
csszengarden is also just ONE underlying document structure and not a terribly practical one either. It's there to showcase what can be done just with CSS, not how to design a practical semantically led page.
Guess the main problem is that they can't update the initial document structure afterwards - otherwise there would be problems with all the designs.

Feb 9, 02:06 PM
I have a question.
what makes this new plan different from the UNlimited plan already in existence.
ATT. wants customers to upgrade to the unlimited messaging so they make more profit
what makes this new plan different from the UNlimited plan already in existence.
ATT. wants customers to upgrade to the unlimited messaging so they make more profit

May 6, 01:16 AM
Sorry I cant find the answer when I searched. I see you can do the thunderbolt to an HDMI adapter but can it transmit audio?
This new imac will be replacing a mac mini that has hdmi out to my tv "in another room" so it is crucial that its transmits audio over hdmi as well...
Thanks for replies and sorry if this has been answered and I missed it
This new imac will be replacing a mac mini that has hdmi out to my tv "in another room" so it is crucial that its transmits audio over hdmi as well...
Thanks for replies and sorry if this has been answered and I missed it

Apr 25, 10:39 AM
I�ve read a lot about capturing dv avi from tape with iMovie will suck.
I already captured these files a while ago before I got my mbp.
If I load them onto the mbp and use them in iMovie and export to DVD, will it still suck?
I�ve read a lot about capturing dv avi from tape with iMovie will suck.
I already captured these files a while ago before I got my mbp.
If I load them onto the mbp and use them in iMovie and export to DVD, will it still suck?
Dec 26, 12:06 AM
As of today, I worked a full 7 hours shift and an hour of over time. By making time and a half the first 7 hours and time and a half to the time and a half for the 1 hour the next paycheck will be REALLY nice. I think I shall buy an Apple TV.
May 4, 09:30 AM
It would be help if you can give us more information on your phone.
Firmware version?
who is your currently carrier or sim you are using in the phone.
Without these info, I don't think anyone can help you.
Firmware version?
who is your currently carrier or sim you are using in the phone.
Without these info, I don't think anyone can help you.
Apr 20, 06:25 PM
This is a sandbox with a bunch of kids screaming my dad is better than yours...
Coming here and crying that your device is better you just prove to be absolute idiots. And I'm not talking as from insulting point of view. I'm just stating the obvious which points to the fact that you were born without most braincells needed for basic functions such as common sense. I really want to see the look on your face the day you will realise that.
Coming here and crying that your device is better you just prove to be absolute idiots. And I'm not talking as from insulting point of view. I'm just stating the obvious which points to the fact that you were born without most braincells needed for basic functions such as common sense. I really want to see the look on your face the day you will realise that.
Jul 1, 09:57 PM
Boot off the cd by pressing the c key. Initalize the drive again and install right after
Mar 19, 04:29 AM
But it was treason. There is a good reason that was a capital offense. The scale of death and misery that can be dealt through effective treason is far greater than than even a spray of bullets. If you support capital punishment, you should be in favor of hanging a traitor.
Has he been officially charged with treason? I ask because I haven't seen the charge sheet, provided that it has been published.
Going off the constitutional definition of treason (Article 3, section 3 for those interested), I think the state is going to have a hard time making it stick. PFC Manning didn't make war on the US, nor did he turn the documents, which I'll grant could be construed as aiding, over to an enemy power. Unless, of course, we decided to declare war on Australia while I was napping.
A very long prison term spent making furniture seems more appropriate in this case.
For that matter, why not Madoff? The effects of his mischief harmed far more people than even Manning. Why should he be spared the chair?
Madoff didn't kill anyone, and therein lies the difference. The main purpose of the death penalty is not punishment, but a means for the state to assert that only the state shall have the authority to take a life.
Has he been officially charged with treason? I ask because I haven't seen the charge sheet, provided that it has been published.
Going off the constitutional definition of treason (Article 3, section 3 for those interested), I think the state is going to have a hard time making it stick. PFC Manning didn't make war on the US, nor did he turn the documents, which I'll grant could be construed as aiding, over to an enemy power. Unless, of course, we decided to declare war on Australia while I was napping.
A very long prison term spent making furniture seems more appropriate in this case.
For that matter, why not Madoff? The effects of his mischief harmed far more people than even Manning. Why should he be spared the chair?
Madoff didn't kill anyone, and therein lies the difference. The main purpose of the death penalty is not punishment, but a means for the state to assert that only the state shall have the authority to take a life.
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