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Sunday, November 7, 2010

iPhone/iOS 4 Bug Report

Looks like different people are reporting separate issues and broken features, depending on the handset they’re using. Apple was vague about what would work with which device. (Multitasking on 3GS and iPhone 4 only is the big one, and iOS 4 is not supported by the iPhone 2G at all. But what else is broken?)
So let’s help each other out and create our own document. Here are a few to start with, to get this going.
App Folders
Some 3G users report that they didn’t get the folders. (3G owners, did you? Let us know.)
Apps disappear
Some users across the web report that, after the update, some of their apps disappeared. This may be the case if you downloaded apps straight to your handset, but didn’t sync/back them up with iTunes before downloading the iOS 4 update.
Camera Zoom
Occasionally, 3GS phones don’t show the zoom control immediately after the software update. Some users report that they successfully got it to show after fully rebooting the phone. (Turning it completely off, then back on.)
Contacts Deleted
Some users are reporting that their contacts were deleted after the update, and the iTunes back-up doesn’t restore them. This seems to affect contacts synced via iTunes, and not Exchange contacts (which sync over the air).
Game Center not onboard
Resolved: Not a glitch. Apple is expected to release Game Center in the fall.
iBooks not onboard
Resolved: Not a gltch. iBooks comes via an app that’s available for download from the App Store. (Link launches iTunes)
  • Does not work for iPhone 3G or older iPhones/iPod Touches (2nd gen and earlier).
  • Apps don’t multitask! That’s because not all apps have been updated by their developers to support iOS 4’s multitasking. Until that happens, the multitasking bar may still include those apps if you launched them recently, but may not resume where you left of, instead restarting.
Performance drag
Some users report that handsets that are nearly filled up to the storage capacity run slower. Apple has alerted customers complaining about this that they’ll try to address that in a future software update. For now, some experts recommend leaving at least 500MB of space, so apps can load and save docs. Frankly, I’d recommend at least a 1GB, maybe even more, just to be save.
Video Camera Auto-focus
Not compatible with 3G or older models. Resolved: Not a glitch. There’s simply no camcorder on board.
Does not work on iPod Touch 2G or earlier. And users are reporting trouble with customized wallpapers on iPhone 3G. (3G owners, weigh in on your experience.) ADDED: It may not be intended to work for iPhone 3G models. We’re trying to verify this.
Other broken features, reported after the update:
  • Push notifications
  • MMS
  • Auto-lock works, but later the option is no longer accessible
  • Gmail ActiveSync is broken (Email, calendars and contacts don’t appear to sync/update. But this may be an issue with Google servers being overwhelmed, and not necessarily an iOS 4 issue.)
  • Previously clear pics turned very blurry after iPhoto sync

General Issues

Loading iOS 4: While some users download and update flawlessly, others are reporting problems ranging from network connection errors, inordinate amount of time to update, or sync/load failures rendering the device tied to an unending cycle of reboots.
Missing features: Certain features may not appear at first, even on 3GS phones. Some 3GS users did mention that it took a full reboot to get everything to show.
So have you had any of these problems? And more importantly, did you find a fix for any of them? Or maybe you have glitches to add to the list. Let us know in the comments

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