If you are browsing these pages, chances are that you feel your tattoo was a mistake and if so, you're not alone. Tattoo regret is the unfortunate side-effect of body art, with around 50% of tattooed people in the USA having second thoughts.
According to a study by the British Journal of Dermatology, figures are worse in the UK with 75% of British people who have tattoos wishing they had never 'inked'
If your tattoo has become a permanent source of regret or embarrasment to you - you are not alone - in fact - close to 400,000 people Google the term 'tattoo removal' every month! Here are some more facts and figures about tattoos....
■The Pew Research Center, January 2007
- 36% of 18-25 year olds have at least one tattoo
Original source:
http://people-press.org/reports/display.php3?ReportID=300■The U.S. Food And Drug Administration, April 2006
- More than 45 million Americans have at least one tattoo
Original source:
■The Gallup Poll, July 2005
- 13-17 year olds on average think that an acceptable age to get a tattoo is 19
■The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, March 2005
- 24% of the general U.S. population has a tattoo
- 5% of those with a tattoo have had it covered with a different tattoo design
Original source:
■Flash2xs.com Poll, August 2004
- 41% of those considering getting a tattoo would pay up to 50% more for a tattoo artist known to have a good reputation and who is certified by their local health department
Original source: Flash2xs.com, LLC Online Poll
■Flash2xs.com Poll, June 2004
- 61% of people say that the reputation of a tattoo artist and tattoo studio is most important factor when selecting who will tattoo them and where they will get tattooed
- 23% say the selection of flash to look at and choose from is the most important factor when selecting which shop to get tattooed at
- 8% say the prices for tattooing is the most important factor when choosing who will tattoo them
Original source: Flash2xs.com, LLC Online Poll
■Flash2xs.com Poll, September 2003
- 43% of people polled say they get tattooed to represent something personal
- 32% say they get tattooed because they are addicted to ink
- 19% of people say they get tattooed because they like the artwork
- 4% of people say they get tattooed because they enjoy the feeling of it
Original source: Flash2xs.com, LLC Online Poll
■Harris Interactive, July 2003
- 16% of all adults have at least one tattoo
- 31% of gay, lesbian, or bisexual people report having tattoos
- 36% of those with tattoos are between 25-29 years old
- 34% of people with tattoos feel sexier because they are tattooed
- 29% of adults with tattoos feel more rebellious
- Democrats are more likely to be tattooed than Republicans
Original source:
http://www.harrisinteractive.com/harris_poll/index.asp?PID=407■Flash2xs.com Poll, May 2003
- 76% of people say that the biggest issue in preventing them from getting a tattoo is Finding the Perfect Tattoo Design
- 10% of people say that either finding the right tattoo artist or having the money for a tattoo are the biggest reasons preventing them from getting a tattoo
Original source: Flash2xs.com, LLC Online Poll
■Flash2xs.com Poll, April 2003
- 32% of people prefer traditional plain black tribal tattoo designs over tribal with other design elements, texture, or color variations
Original source: Flash2xs.com, LLC Online Poll
■Health Canada, April 2003
- The number of women with tattoos quadrupled from 1960 to 1980
Original source:
http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/iyh-vsv/life-vie/tat_e.html■Flash2xs.com Poll, August 2001
- 38% of people say they choose a tattoo because it has special meaning to them
- 32% say the quality of the artwork is how they choose their tattoo
- 27% of people say they choose their tattoo for its originality
Original source: Flash2xs.com, LLC Online Poll
■The U.S. News and World Report, October 1997
- Tattooing is the United State's 6th fastest growing retail business
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